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This year marked a great start for co.hilo, and you are receiving this email because you were directly responsible for our success so far. We want to share a retrospective of the achievements from co.hilo. This is how The Weave is shaping up, all made possible by the hard work of our multinational team and your support.

One year ago, Martín had just started to gather people to collaborate in something we at the time called “the coffee dream”. By March, we had developed an identity for the brand, defined the name, and assembled a group of volunteers who were (and still are!) motivated to make it happen. In May, we shipped the first batch of roasted coffee from Colombia with the support of our logistics partner Colombian Spirit, and started testing our concept: one family of coffee producers and one educational project receiving a monthly income based on this initial quantity of coffee. In September we had support from the communication agency Good Point, who helped us refine the strategy for our crowdfunding campaign. In November we launched the campaign, and in December we successfully achieved our funding goal. What a year!

We can now proudly say that we have proved our concept. But what does that mean?

It means there is interest in our idea from the producer’s side, and also from the consumer’s side. Mainly, it means we can continue in 2020!

Last week, our core team met in Jardín, Colombia. It was a beautiful experience, a real boost of motivation to finally meet the amazing people of our team in Colombia, and see first-hand the impact that co.hilo can have.

Marta and Patricia, from ‘Jardín Municipio Lector’ said: “The monthly income has changed our lives!” After a couple of years without support, the project is now growing again, reaching four schools in the urban area of the town, and two in the rural area.

For the Giraldo family, co.hilo means the possibility of planning ahead in a moment of uncertainty, due to unstable market prices and a financial crisis in the local cooperative.

The trip was also a moment of planning the next actions and defining our goals for 2020, so stay tuned for some news in January.

For now, we want to once again thank you for believing in our idea and joining our weave, and wish you happy holidays and a great new year!


Your co.hilo Team

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Make the next coffee harvest possible – we need 25 new members until November 30th.
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